Monday, February 2, 2009

Bookburner - Bookburner 7"

So I was lurking am I mean? and I stumbled upon this little gem. Bookburner is a powerviolence band from Tacoma, Washington and these guys rip. Short songs and it's all chaos. Check it now.


Bookburner - Bookburner 7"

1 comment:

FlowersBookBurner said...

Thank you so much for the kind words!!! I'm the vocalist for BB. We actually recorded a very poor sounding cover of the Dazzling Killmen song "Reactor". That too never saw the light of day. It was initially going to be released as a 3" CD with on of the pressings of the 7", unfortunately never happened. I'm in the process of writing a full-length for BB right now, I know it's long overdue and probably a moot point to do so, but I want to properly bury the band with one more record. We still play shows, it's been 3 years since our last show, but we occasionally play shows still.

Between the release of this record and one tour we did along the West Coast, I was involved in a band with some folks from Iron Lung and Walls/Cold Sweat called Society Nurse, I did one EP with them in 2010 and had quit the band later that year. I also have collaborated with PHT(PigHeartTransplant) over the years which is the brainchild of Jon Kortland from Iron Lung/Gob, I'm on two releases as far as I know.

Speaking of Bookburner, the guitar player and I are currently in a band called Exit Bag, we recorded 12 songs in September of last year at Captains Tripp's High Command Studio in Olympia, WA. That band is a blackened hardcore punk band ala Ildjarn, Bone Awl, Rudimentary Peni with some elements of grind in there. Those songs should be released sometime this year.

I feel really blessed that people have shown so much appreciation for Bookburner. I wish we could have gotten our shit together and were more of a functioning unit, the sad fact of the matter is that we were a highly dysfunctional band and over the course of our existence only played 16 shows and recorded those handful of songs. Though it's my hope that we'll get the full-length recorded and released by the end of the year or early next year and do one more tour then finally bury the band properly,